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*ON DEMAND* Spring Seminar Only
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM Pacific
Event Registration
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Event Description
Join us for the first quarter seminar of 2025.  This seminar will feature presentations on cross-border issues related to Mexican law and procedure, writ basics – including tips/tricks for the wary, mastering Xspouse software, avoiding compassion fatigue, as well as updates directly from the Bench. We have a great lineup of speakers and, as always, lunch, beverages, and dessert will be provided. Portions of the seminar will be available on demand.

Judge Laura H. Miller
State of the Family Law Court 
Judge Patricia Garcia (Ret.) and Adrian Martinez
Demystifying Mexican Law & Procedure in Cross-border Cases
Dr. Stephen Doyne and Sharon Blanchet, CFLS
50 Years in Family Court: Coping with Compassion Fatigue
Dennis Temko, CFLS and Andrew Botros, CFLS
Right the Wrong with a Writ

Maria Spear, CFLS and Vanessa Gomez
Xspouse and Chill (Later Dissomaster): Simplifying Child Support Calculations
Setting: Live Virtual
San Diego, CA 92198

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